
 No one wants war to break out. Wars do nothing to help our society except result in: several lives lost, increasing tensions between nations, and they're extremely expensive. Some authors and writers represent the antiwar supporters and reveal valuable information to the public that no one seems to hear about on the mainstream news. This news includes true information about recent conflicts in Ukraine and Russia, current status on Americans held hostage in foreign nations, and possible future events related to conflict between nations. These websites that no one hears about are a direct reflection of the First Amendment, which allows anyone and everyone to state their opinions about our government and foreign conflict. In today's world, media sources, such as news channels on television, social media, and newspapers and magazines seem to only focus on what will attract new and lasting viewers to their channel, rather than news that help people. These websites, and are a few of these websites that do not share information to attract viewers, but to share relevant and helpful information that we might not hear about on mainstream news. I believe that we have to seek out these obscure websites in order to hear this type of information because, if mainstream news shared this information, they would lose many of their viewers. However, information from smaller websites like these should be observed with caution. This is, because of the first amendment, could easily be false information.


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