The Age of AI

 We have been using forms of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) for several years, but it has not become a major issue quite yet. In the film by Frontline, "In the Age of AI" focuses on both the pros and cons of the future of artificial intelligence across the globe. China is a nation that is very advanced in the world of AI; they have a "super-app" on their smartphones that is the equivalent of America's PayPal, Facebook, and text messages all in one app. Since China's userbase is three to four times the size of America's, they have access to more and higher quality information. Another work in progress not only in China, but also in the United States, is facial recognition on smartphones. In the video, they use a smartphone to determine the name and age of their head director, and it accurately got the full name and the age was only off by a few months. "We are the ones to really take facial recognition to commercial quality." How AI could affect our national security is another major factor when it comes to advancements of AI. Everyday we download files on our computers, right? How often have you ever looked into the code of one of these files and ensured that it is not a virus downloaded from a third party website? Probably never. This is where AI can do this for you. AI is becoming so advanced that it can read through the code of a large computer file in under five seconds and determine if it is malicious software or not. Personally, I use a form of this on my computer that runs involuntarily so I don't have to think about it. It's almost like it functions on its own, like a human working in my computer. Today's world is just the beginning of artificial intelligence and we are expecting major improvements in AI that could make us more efficient or could dehumanize us into extinction.


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