
Showing posts from July, 2022

Final Post

     Just like anything else in this world, technologies including social media definitely has its pros and cons. Personally, I use social media everyday, whether I am texting, checking media feeds, or watching YouTube. I have some friends that are on their phones checking social media what seems like every second of the day. However, I have been trying to set a screen time goal for myself where less time is spent checking social media than the last week. For example, my screen time this week was two hours and twenty nine minutes, which is seventeen percent less than the last week. I have been trying to do this because I caught myself several times checking my phone when I am at a social event whether it was because I was nervous or bored. Continuing on this path, hypothetically, I would end up with zero minutes of social media every week. This is not my goal. I believe that social media and the internet are the greatest inventions of our generation and our lives will soon be dependent

Free Flow of Information

 Julian Assange of Australia is now fifty one years of age and is one step away from extradition to the United States to face spying charges. Assange is the founder of the underground news platform, WikiLeaks, which had previously exposed all of the American lies related to the Vietnam War. In 2010, the website became internationally recognized and Assange was first arrested on April 11, 2019 for failing to appear in court after being charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, which would result in a maximum of five years in prison. Now, Assange does not consent to extradition to the US and would rather stay in the United Kingdom to avoid additional charges initiated by the United States government. Julian Assange's story is very different from that of other "criminals." Assange is now facing one hundred seventy five years in prison due to charges under the Espionage Act. Supporters of Assange say that he was just doing what every professional journalist does;